The scientific-somatic format of the congress is focused on the topic of healing traumatic imprints from the prenatal and perinatal period of our lives and their impact on life in adolescence and adulthood.
It is also the intention of the event, through these insights and experiences, to bring about a societal change in the approach to this very important early period of human lives and thus promote the prevention of childhood trauma.
3.-5. MAY 2024
22.4. 17h - 18,30h
on-line interactive meeting with Stephen Porges
Hotel Energetic, Rožnov p. Radhoštěm + ON-LINE

This international congress will focus on a variety of ways in which to approach healing adverse experiences that originate in the womb - from conception to the first year of life after birth. And thereby mitigate or neutralize the negative effects of these early imprints on our lives. Our first experiences in life have a powerful influence on who we are and how we behave, leaving a deep imprint on us and affecting our entire lives. We have the opportunity to constructively process and integrate these experiences. And be who we are at our core.
Two-way English - Czech translation provided.
PÁTEK 3.5.2024
09:30 - 11:30
Jaap van der Wal
Embryo v nás
13:00 - 15:00
Matthew Appleton
Prenatální vztahovost - Děloha jako determinující matrix, kým se stáváme
15:30 - 17:30
Apab’yan Tew
Formování vědomí dítěte
18:30 - 20:00 - 3.5. jen ze záznamu / 22.4. od 17hod. interaktivní on-line setkání
Stephen Porges
Bezpečí jako prevence i podmínka uzdravení traumatu optikou polyvagální teorie
20:00 - 22:30
Beseda s Petrem Horkým
a odborníky na danou tématiku
SOBOTA 4.5.2024
10:00 - 13:00
Radek Neškrabal
Vědomá práce s fasciální sítí jako cesta k uvolnění zapouzdřených traumat
14:30 - 17:30
Dorothe Trassl
E-motion trauma
19:00 - 22:00
DušeK - s Jaroslavem Duškem, Marošem Vago, Helenou Máslovou, Ellynne Skove, Dorothe Trassl a Radkem Neškrabalem
O rozpouštění, pouštění a odpouštění
NEDĚLE 5.5.2024
08:30 - 09:30
Tereza Winklerová
Embryo jóga a regulace nervového systému
10:00 - 12:30
Thomas Verny
Přenášení zranění v průběhu života a napříč generacemi
14:00 - 16:30
Ellynne Skove
Narušení vazby ve vztahu mezi matkou a dítětem a její náprava
17:00 - 18:00
Jana Slavíčková
Rituál dokolébání - přerámování pre a perinatální zkušenosti
18:30 - 20:30
Rituál Dokolébání v praxi

Stephen Porges

Matthew Appleton

Jaap van der Wal

Apab’yan Tew

Thomas Verny

Dorothe Trassl

Ellynne Skove

Radek Neškrabal

Jana Slavíčková

Tereza Winklerová

Jaroslav Dušek

Maros Vago

Helena Máslová

Stephen Porges - Safety as prevention and condition for trauma healing through the lens of polyvagal theory

Matthew Appleton - The Relational Prenate - Our Matrix of becoming

Jaap van der Wal - The Mindful Embryo - A phenomenological window to our prenatal life

Apab’yan Tew - Shaping the consciousness of a baby

Thomas Verny - Carrying the Wounding Over the Lifespan and Across Generations

Dorothe Trassl - E-motion trauma

Ellynne Skove - BONDING DISRUPTONS and REPAIR in the MOTHER/INFANT DYAD: An Introduction to Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Assessing Patients at Risk

Radek Neškrabal - Conscious work with the fascial network as a way to release encapsulated traumas

Jana Slavíčková - The ritual of kneeling - reframing the pre and perinatal experience

Tereza Winklerová - Embryo yoga a regulation of nervous system

Jaroslav Dušek - DušeK - About dissolution, letting go and forgiveness

Maros Vago - DušeK - About dissolution, letting go and forgiveness

Helena Máslová - DušeK - About dissolution, letting go and forgiveness
What is trauma?
According to Stephen Porges, trauma is a complex phenomenon that involves both psychological and physiological dysregulation. Trauma is characterized by experiences that exceed an individual's ability to cope with situations and disrupt the autonomic nervous system's response to stress.
Trauma, as described by Gabor Maté, often arises as a result of adverse experiences in early development and is characterized by disconnection from self, others, and the environment. Trauma can manifest in a variety of ways, affecting emotional, cognitive and physical health, and often requires a holistic approach to healing.
What is prenatal trauma?
According to Thomas Verny's theory, prenatal trauma is an experience that affects a child's development in the period before birth. This experience may include stress, emotional strain or physical discomfort for the mother that can be passed on to the fetus and affect its later mental, emotional and physical health.
Perinatal trauma, according to Thomas Verny, includes traumatic events or stressful situations that occur around the time of the birth of the child, i.e. during pregnancy, birth and shortly afterwards. These events can affect both mother and child and can have long-term effects on their mental, emotional and physical health. Perinatal trauma can include complications during birth, serious health problems in the newborn or mother, or stress associated with new motherhood.
How do I know if I'm carrying trauma?
According to Stephen Porges, you can recognize the presence of trauma in your body and mental state in several ways that reflect dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.
Some of these signs may include:
Increased reactivity to stress: You may notice that you get into a state of anxiety, fear or arousal more quickly when exposed to stressful situations.
Difficulty regulating emotions: You may have difficulty regulating strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or sadness, and you may feel yourself having mood or emotional swings.
Problems with interpersonal relationships: Trauma can affect your ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships with others. You may have difficulty trusting others or feel isolated.
Physical symptoms: Trauma can cause a variety of physical symptoms, such as chronic pain, body tension, gastrointestinal problems, or migraines.
Sleep and behavioral changes: You may notice changes in sleep patterns, such as nightmares, insomnia, or excessive sleepiness.
You may also notice changes in your behavior, such as increased irritability or withdrawal behavior.
It is important to note that the presence of these symptoms may not clearly mean that you are suffering from trauma, but they may indicate a need for further exploration and support.
What is somatics?
Therapist, yoga teacher and coach Ellynne Skove, considers somatics to be a multidimensional approach to understanding and transforming the body, mind and emotions that emphasizes awareness of bodily experience and body awareness. This approach allows us to explore the connections between our bodily expressions, emotions, thoughts and life experiences. Somatics invites us
to a deeper understanding of the body as a source of wisdom and a tool for self-knowledge and personal development.
What do I mean by a scientific-somatic congress?
This scientific-somatic congress involves a gathering of experts and researchers in the field of pre- and perinatal development
and experts in the field of somatic psychology and physical movement. The aim of this congress is therefore not only to present the latest research, but also to provide an opportunity to experience and explore concepts and theories directly in the body. Moreover, the somatic experience can inspire new ideas, creativity and innovation.
What techniques for working with trauma will be presented at this conference?
- See Programme and Presentation Annotation
Is the congress suitable for the public?
Yes, the congress is suitable for the public interested in healing pre- and perinatal trauma. This may include expectant parents, parents of young children, family members who want to actively contribute to trauma healing, or people who want to heal their own pre or perinatal trauma.
How can I contribute or present at the conference?
Students and researchers with a focus on pre- and perinatal trauma will have the opportunity to present their research poster in the social areas of the congress. If you are interested in presenting your research poster, please email us at
Will there be a certificate available for participants?
A certificate for participants will be available upon written request. Please contact
What are the networking opportunities at the congress?
Experts and professionals from different disciplines and therapeutic approaches will be present at the congress and can be approached individually on site. We do not plan organized networking.